Scalasca at SC'10
November 13-19, 2010: Join us at SC'10 in New Orleans, LA, USA. Scalasca team members will… more ›
7th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop
HLRS, Stuttgart/Germany, March 28-30, 2011 Three-day hands-on workshop covering the VI-HPS… more ›
CUBE 3.3.2 released
Mar 21, 2011: The new CUBE 3.3.2 bugfix release is out! CUBE is a presentation component… more ›
Scalasca 1.3.3 released
Mar 21, 2011: The new Scalasca 1.3.3 release is out! Scalasca is a software tool that… more ›
HOPSA project launched
June 20, 2011: Experts from Russia and the EU are collaborating in a new project to boost the… more ›
8th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop (GRS)
German Research School for Simulation SciencesAachen, 5-9 September 2011 To help improve the… more ›
Scalasca at SC'11
13-18 November 2011: Join us at SC'11 in Seattle, WA, USA. Scalasca team members will be… more ›
9th VI-HPS Tuning Workshop (UVSQ)
Université de Versailles, St-Quentin-en-Yvelines, 23-27 April 2012 To help improve the… more ›
Scalasca 1.4 released
Dec 21, 2011: The Scalasca 1.4 release is out! Scalasca is a software tool that supports… more ›
CUBE 3.4 released
Dec 21, 2011: The CUBE 3.4 release is out! CUBE is a presentation component suitable for… more ›